I’m currently a researcher and Ph.D. student at Stanford University, where I’m advised by the wonderful Prof. Hyo Gweon! I also collaborate closely with the Bonawitz Computational Cognitive Development Lab at Harvard University.
Broadly, I’m interested in people’s mental models of the world around them – its social agents, physical laws, and broader causal structure – and how these mental models are structured, revised, and extended throughout development. I’m excited about tackling questions in this space using various methods, particularly behavioral experiments and computational modeling! You can read more about my work here!
I was born and raised in a small town bordering between the German- and French-speaking parts of Switzerland and spent most of my childhood years playing video games. After high school, I worked for the Swiss government, did some teaching in special ed, and helped infants, toddlers, and kids have a fun(-ish?) time in preschool. I then went on to study and do research at ZHAW, ETH Zurich, HU Berlin, LMU Munich, TU Munich, and Harvard (I enjoy moving around!)
Outside of research, I like to read and write, hike / wander around, photograph my surroundings, and dabble in small web design / information curation projects (like this website!) I also enjoy winter sports (skiing & ice skating) and drawing (badly), and I try my best to log the many shows and movies I enjoy(ed) watching :)